Wednesday, December 10, 2008

December 9, 2008

Today was December 9, 2008
Our first class was science we had a quiz today. The quiz was about how can the first 2 dogs make all differant kind of dog?Then we had science we changed seats, started a new planning sheet and then started uor lessons. Then we checked our test and then had work time. Then like always we have lunch. After lunch we had language she helped us make an outline and fill it out. In computers we had work time but first we hadto write a blog artical on anything. then we had electives I had clay and handbuilding which was free color.After that we had religion and talked about Mary and Joseph. Then we had a pep rally... they indroduce the basket ball teams and played kknockout boys against the girls there were 2 winner and they played against the teacher.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Our Day 2 Day

Yeah so today is the first of December. Yeah! Only like 2 more weeks until we get christmas break! So today we had language and we did a vocab activity and we went into groups and talked about the Johnny Tremain. In history we handed in to our projects and watched a movie where this dudes head got blown off. Don't worry it was educational. And then we had lunch and then art, PE, electives and now I am in seminar. So that is pretty much our day.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Have You Ever Been To School?

If not, this blog will tell you about a typical day at school.
Mr. Jacklin's class started off our day, like usual, by journal writing. But this wasn't just any journal writing- we were brainstorming ideas about what we would write to the soldiers over in Kosovo. (Soon we are going to write them letters!) Then we headed over to Grammar where we had a test. (Hopefully we all did good!!) Next we went to history where we had a totally awesome debate. During the debate there were the same amount of Patriots and Loyalist (I was a Loyalist.) and a couple of "undecided" people. Both of the parties' object was to persuade the "undecided" people to be on their side. The Patriots won- of course. We all then went to lunch. Soon we were in art class creating our tropical animals on paper. Next in gym, we played "King Pin". The object of "King Pin" is to knock down the opposing team's pins all down before they do yours. (It is a lot of FUN!!!) We then went our separateways to electives. And right now is seminar, where I am writing this.... Almost time to go, next class will be religion.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sorry I forgot to write for so many days! I thought that instead of writing just for today I will write for the whole week so far! On Monday we had Language, history, art, gym, electives, and seminar. On Tuesday we had math, science, language, technology, electives, and religion. On wed. we had chapel budies and advisory and all the other classes. Today we had the same classes as Monday! Sorry for the delay.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

November 11th's Birthday

Today, the math 3 group had pre-algebra, where we mainly had a work day. Then we had science, here we also had a work day. Then we went to lunch. Afterwards, we had language, in which we worked on our thesis paper. Next in technology, we watched a video on cyberbullying. Then, there was electives, and then seminar. In the next few minutes or so 7th grade will be starting religion. Today was just one of those days.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Ahhhhhhhh! Friday

Today was a very unusual day also. We had LANGUAGE first then history. In language we did our language stuff from thursday this morning. Then in history we watched a video about the french and indian war. FASCINATING!! Then we had a usual lunch time. After lunch we had LANG and technology. In language we talked about our thesis papers. In technology we talked about water (DHMO). Then we had electives. Now we have seminar. Then religion, we have a test in religion. YIPEE!!!


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday 11-6-08

Today was a different day. It is usually an "A" day. So we would start of with language then history. This was an unusual day because we had math and science. All of this happened because of the eighth graders went to JA, for the day. After we went to math and science we had the almost best part of the day, lunch. After we had lunch we went to art, then PE in PE we played some intense scoter soccer. Afterwards we got to go to electives. Afterwards we had seminar. The thing is this was no ordinary seminar; this was a Thursday seminar, witch means "RECESS", but instead of going to recess I had to stay in and write this wonderful blog article. After that we had some Jesus time, witch is Religion.


Math-- Planning sheet

Memory-- Ezra 9:6 & Timothy 2:15

Science-- Planning sheet

History-- Planning sheet

Language arts-- Planning sheet (F)

Spelling unit 5 (M)

Lit. Circle (W)

Johnny Tremain (F)

Thesis paper ideas (F)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wednesday 5, 2008

Today we had chapel with our chapel buddies. After chapel we had advisory, in advisory we talked about pride and the difference between pride and proud of. We also talked about the election. After adviory we had lit, today we had lit circles. Then we had history we got a new planning sheet. Then we had lunch today was pizza day. After lunch we had Science if you are in 7th grade math and math if you are in pre-algebra. We watched plannet earth and talked about science fair. Then i had math and the people in pre-algebra had science. In math we checked our assignments. Then we had P.E we had a sub and played soccer. After P.E we had computers and we finished and turned in our DHMO papers.

Monday, November 3, 2008


We had Language, History, Lunch, Art, PE, Spanish, and then Seminar and finally Religion. In Language we did a lot. In History we took a virtual field trip. Lunch was fun. Art was boring. PE was a blast. Spanish was ok. Seminar i got in trouble. I havent had Religion yet. Good Bye...
Rachel Moentmann

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Oct. 21

Hey !
Today was a great day! We had math and science. In math we had Mrs. Lambardo as a sub., but tomorrow we have Mrs. Durst ! Tomorrow we have chapel, bring a smile for your chapel buddies! I just came from enlish and now it is comuters! In 10 days it is Halloween and a day off of school! In 9 days our final biography is due !

Monday, October 13, 2008

we started of with writing about the best thing that could happen to us today. the next class was language we had the whole time to work. then we had history and did chapter 4. we had lunch next. we had art next and worked the whole time. then we had P.E. last we had electives then i moved on to writing this blog.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Last September days

Today we had science which was aork time for are planning sheet. next we had math and great presatations for the people who did it to day. After lunch we had language which we got to pick are person for are biograph. next was computars we worked on are dopple me character which of ours didnt work or coulded do. after that we had are fun or not fun to some of us electives. Then we had seminar where we work on homework or computar relative homework. Then we had religion which we our learning about Delilah and some what about Samsom. We went over religion questions. that was a fun or to some of us a boring day. have a fun rest of the day.


Monday, September 29, 2008

An Awesome Monday

Today we had a lot of FUN!!! First, we had language class where we learned about bioghraphies and fragments and run ons. Second we had history where we got to work on our projects in the downstairs computer lab. After that we had lunch. Next we had art where some of us had free time to color pretty pictures. After that we had PE where we played 4th down. next we had electives(fun, fun, fun,.....) and now we are having seminar. THE END
This was written by the awsomous Caroline Casey:)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Awsome Friday

Today we had an awsome day! In science we had a lot of work time and in math we had work time too. We got to do mental math cards and that was fun altho a bit tricky. In language, we are going to write biographies and we wrote for five mintutes on who we might do it on. We got book orders! Yeah! Altho I must say that they don't have many good books this time. We also watched the Twilight trailor!!!!!!!!!! Twilight is the best selling book that is going to be made into a movie. Edward is such an awsome vampite I can't even describe it! We had computers today and then we had electives and now it is seminar and ALMOST THE END OF THE DAY SO YES! We will be getting our friday folder and I am siked so bye! Later!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Another Day at St. J

Today we started out with the usual- journal writing and lunch count. We then went to L. A. and corrected our hw and played a spelling game. Then we had a five paragraph essay test in S.S. We then went to lunch. Soon we made our way to the sancuary to take our pictures. We then went to art and worked on our pictures. Then we went to gym and played football. Then we went to our electives. In seminar we worked on our hw and we learned about Samson in religion. What a day.

Friday, September 19, 2008

i am very mad right now because i just posted the blog and it did not work. today like everyother day we started out with journaling. then we had math and science. fun fun fun. then we took of to chipotle to have lunch. yum yum. followed by language, technology, electives seminar. we finished of with a test in religon. i hope everybody did okay. God bless your weekend.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Day of September seventeenth

Today we had a rawesome day. (raw+awesome=rawesome) First, we started with no journal questions which was kind of a cool thing! Next we had chapel where I talked to Mr. Lochmann for all of you to learn something. The other people in chapel were cool too. I sang really awesome!!! In Lit. circles I eavesdropped......... I mean happened to hear some of your conversations and some were really well thought out. In math, well math2 anyway, we didn't have a lesson today but we did mental math stuff.......... oof, not so good. Then we had time to work on and check assignments. In science we watched an awesome video about the sea and worked on science fair stuff, I got in trouble hehehehee! Actually I didn't, I almost did for details that are um... unimportant. Anyway, I almost forgot History, shame on me!! In History, the manliest of all subjects, we turned in our maps and got a little time to work on our packets. We ended the day with seminar and said a prayer of loveliness. That's about it, e-mail me on gaggle if I forgot anything.

This is the best blog and i don't wanna hear different
I'm Out, later homies!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Today we had our Lang. arts and history in the beginning. In Lang. arts we wrote in our notebooks and did vocab. In history we did our lesson 2 and 3 notes. Then we had lunch. After lunch we had art and P.E. In art we drew a picture for a new project and for P.E we did ultimate football. Then we came back for seminar. After that we had religion and are studying Deborah.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Sep. 12, 2008

Today we started off with writing in our jurnal like usuall. Then we went to math and science. after that we had a great lunch the bes time of the day. Then we had language arts we got to eat oreos :-) Then we went to tecnology then electives. After that we had seminar. Then we got to go home. Time flys when you have fun.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hey everyone,
Today we had a vocab and spelling test in Lang arts. Lets hope we all did a good job on are tests today. Today in history we got a new packet. Today we had recess wright after electives I am glad that they changed the date.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Hey everybody!
Today was a pretty normal day as far as school goes. We started at Chapel with our kindergarten reading buddies. Miss Ashley and Chris lead Chapel. After Chapel we had advisory...we talked about planning(at least that was what was on the schedule to do.) English was fun because it was our first real class talking about our lit circles. History we had a test and it seems as thought everyone got a good grade. It was PIZZA day today! Our history class was out late so we were the last ones in line for it but that's OK because everyone else had pretty much already gone through the line. For the Pre-Algebra students we did lesson eleven and we got new planning sheets. While the Pre-Algebra students were in math the other math was in science class and they did Myth Busters...the Pre-Algebra students had the same thing in science. After science we went to gym and ran for 10 minutes was a pretty big bummer! Then we did punts and for the girls we stunk soooo bad at it. Next was computer class, we worked on our netiquette projects with our groups. Now here I am typing this during seminar.
Mr. Jacklin's favorite student, (JK)
Rachel Moentmann

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Today was a great day! We have a history test tomorrow, be prepared! Math 2 and 1 has homework due tomorrow. On Thursday we have a spelling and vocab test. Lit. circles are due tomorrow, be prepared for the convoersation on your book! On Friday we have e.c. (scope) for language arts due. Tomorrow is chapel, and you get to see your chapel buddies!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Today we had lit and History befor lunch. After we went to art class and Gym. We had electives next were my class and the other class splite up to ddo some fun stuff. Then we had seminar and religien.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A day in the life! 9/3/08

EALRY DISMISSAL! What day! The students get to go home early and the teachers get to work somemore :-)

Our regularly scheduled student blogger wasn't able to blog today so it will be my turn (Mr. Jacklin) With that being said, I don't know what really happened in the 7th graders day with the exception of lunch count/attendance/chapel/ and closing.

Thank you Pastor Pete for reminding us of how important it is to have Jesus on the "other end of the rope."

Check back tomorrow for a "real" student perspective of the day!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Today was started with writing in our notebooks. Then to math and science. In science we had time to work on our science packets. We also had a quiz in science. Math was basicly what we do all the time. Lunch was tasty. Chicken nuggets and beef brisket were the options. After lunch we headed to language arts. In language we learned the 6 trait of writting. Then we were off to technolgy to learn what an email should be like. Next was religion and we talked about the story of Ester. Bell rang and then school was out!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Today we started off with writing a poem in our journal about our weekend. Then we moved on to science were we got a planning sheet. We also got a packet. Then we moved on to math. We took notes on 2 lessons. Then we went lunch. Next we had language. We wrote for 30 min. We had technology and worked on gaggle. Next we had electives. Last we had religion were we had a quiz. That was our 7th grade day.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

28 August 2008

Hello everybody!!!!!!!!Today in the 7th grade we started off the day journal writing about our fears and anticipations.Then we moved on to Language Arts and worked on our Book in a...Project.Then we went to Mr.Lochmans history and learned on native american tribes and cultures.Then we had a great lunch!!!!We had art after that and we had to draw us doing something we did over the summer.Then we wnt to P.E. and played a new game.Next we had our electives.And now its seminar.Yeah!!!Ok i got to go to religion and end the school day. Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

August 27, 2008

Today in our class, we did some journal writing and met our chapel buddies for our first chapel together!!!! :D Then we went to Advisory. After Advisory, Mr. Jacklin's class went to Language Arts. In Language, we read short stories and made up Q.A.R. questions. (We were assigned a paper that's due Wednesday!!) Then, we went to History, where Mr. Lochmann had us review our latitude and longitude papers. (Maps due Thursday!!) Then we went to lunch. (yum!) Math 2 went to Science class and watched a Mythbusters video. Pre-Algebra went to math. Then Math 2 and Pre-Algebra swapped classes. P.E. was next, where we used the exercise balls. After P.E. we went to Technology where we took a test to see our own individual learning "sweet spots." We had Seminar, then ended the day in prayer.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Welcome to Our Blog

Welcome to our 7th Grade Class blog. This site will serve a myriad of purposes as the year goes on, but hopefully it will be as inspirational as it is informational. Check daily for the latest goings-on of our class and school.