Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Day of September seventeenth

Today we had a rawesome day. (raw+awesome=rawesome) First, we started with no journal questions which was kind of a cool thing! Next we had chapel where I talked to Mr. Lochmann for all of you to learn something. The other people in chapel were cool too. I sang really awesome!!! In Lit. circles I eavesdropped......... I mean happened to hear some of your conversations and some were really well thought out. In math, well math2 anyway, we didn't have a lesson today but we did mental math stuff.......... oof, not so good. Then we had time to work on and check assignments. In science we watched an awesome video about the sea and worked on science fair stuff, I got in trouble hehehehee! Actually I didn't, I almost did for details that are um... unimportant. Anyway, I almost forgot History, shame on me!! In History, the manliest of all subjects, we turned in our maps and got a little time to work on our packets. We ended the day with seminar and said a prayer of loveliness. That's about it, e-mail me on gaggle if I forgot anything.

This is the best blog and i don't wanna hear different
I'm Out, later homies!

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