Friday, September 26, 2008

Awsome Friday

Today we had an awsome day! In science we had a lot of work time and in math we had work time too. We got to do mental math cards and that was fun altho a bit tricky. In language, we are going to write biographies and we wrote for five mintutes on who we might do it on. We got book orders! Yeah! Altho I must say that they don't have many good books this time. We also watched the Twilight trailor!!!!!!!!!! Twilight is the best selling book that is going to be made into a movie. Edward is such an awsome vampite I can't even describe it! We had computers today and then we had electives and now it is seminar and ALMOST THE END OF THE DAY SO YES! We will be getting our friday folder and I am siked so bye! Later!

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