Wednesday, August 27, 2008

August 27, 2008

Today in our class, we did some journal writing and met our chapel buddies for our first chapel together!!!! :D Then we went to Advisory. After Advisory, Mr. Jacklin's class went to Language Arts. In Language, we read short stories and made up Q.A.R. questions. (We were assigned a paper that's due Wednesday!!) Then, we went to History, where Mr. Lochmann had us review our latitude and longitude papers. (Maps due Thursday!!) Then we went to lunch. (yum!) Math 2 went to Science class and watched a Mythbusters video. Pre-Algebra went to math. Then Math 2 and Pre-Algebra swapped classes. P.E. was next, where we used the exercise balls. After P.E. we went to Technology where we took a test to see our own individual learning "sweet spots." We had Seminar, then ended the day in prayer.

1 comment:

Rob Jacklin said...

Thanks for remembering to include the Individual Learning Styles activity. It's important to take a look at how you learn. We learn best when we are in our "Sweet Spot"