Monday, November 24, 2008

Have You Ever Been To School?

If not, this blog will tell you about a typical day at school.
Mr. Jacklin's class started off our day, like usual, by journal writing. But this wasn't just any journal writing- we were brainstorming ideas about what we would write to the soldiers over in Kosovo. (Soon we are going to write them letters!) Then we headed over to Grammar where we had a test. (Hopefully we all did good!!) Next we went to history where we had a totally awesome debate. During the debate there were the same amount of Patriots and Loyalist (I was a Loyalist.) and a couple of "undecided" people. Both of the parties' object was to persuade the "undecided" people to be on their side. The Patriots won- of course. We all then went to lunch. Soon we were in art class creating our tropical animals on paper. Next in gym, we played "King Pin". The object of "King Pin" is to knock down the opposing team's pins all down before they do yours. (It is a lot of FUN!!!) We then went our separateways to electives. And right now is seminar, where I am writing this.... Almost time to go, next class will be religion.

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