Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Hey everybody!
Today was a pretty normal day as far as school goes. We started at Chapel with our kindergarten reading buddies. Miss Ashley and Chris lead Chapel. After Chapel we had advisory...we talked about planning(at least that was what was on the schedule to do.) English was fun because it was our first real class talking about our lit circles. History we had a test and it seems as thought everyone got a good grade. It was PIZZA day today! Our history class was out late so we were the last ones in line for it but that's OK because everyone else had pretty much already gone through the line. For the Pre-Algebra students we did lesson eleven and we got new planning sheets. While the Pre-Algebra students were in math the other math was in science class and they did Myth Busters...the Pre-Algebra students had the same thing in science. After science we went to gym and ran for 10 minutes was a pretty big bummer! Then we did punts and for the girls we stunk soooo bad at it. Next was computer class, we worked on our netiquette projects with our groups. Now here I am typing this during seminar.
Mr. Jacklin's favorite student, (JK)
Rachel Moentmann

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