Friday, March 13, 2009

March 13th

Hello to all of you readers reading this blog right now,
This is a very special day. Today has been so fun. Today is the last school day before spring break! In math we had a pi day celebration (one day early). Durring the pi celebration, we made a pi chain, and we played pi edition are you smarter than a 5th grader. Once we were at science we watched a movie on fungi and protist. Next we went on a nature hike through the graveyard and into the woods, there we looked at fungi, and we learned more about them. It was very muddy outside, almost everyone had to clean their shoes. My shoes are still dirty. Once we were back in, we watched another movie. In religion we went to the sanctuary to pray. In computers we had work time for our google doodles (due today). Then we had electives, I have world religions. This class we had a rabi come to talk to us about Judaism. Next, we had english. In english we had work time on our short stories. Finally, we had seminar. Then we left! Beside memory (Duet. 6:4-9) we have no hoework unless you have latework. If you do have late work, make sure you get it done before tuesday when we get back to school, because that is when the grades are due. Now it is officially Spring Break!
Happy Spring Break!

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