Friday, August 29, 2008

Today we started off with writing a poem in our journal about our weekend. Then we moved on to science were we got a planning sheet. We also got a packet. Then we moved on to math. We took notes on 2 lessons. Then we went lunch. Next we had language. We wrote for 30 min. We had technology and worked on gaggle. Next we had electives. Last we had religion were we had a quiz. That was our 7th grade day.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

28 August 2008

Hello everybody!!!!!!!!Today in the 7th grade we started off the day journal writing about our fears and anticipations.Then we moved on to Language Arts and worked on our Book in a...Project.Then we went to Mr.Lochmans history and learned on native american tribes and cultures.Then we had a great lunch!!!!We had art after that and we had to draw us doing something we did over the summer.Then we wnt to P.E. and played a new game.Next we had our electives.And now its seminar.Yeah!!!Ok i got to go to religion and end the school day. Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

August 27, 2008

Today in our class, we did some journal writing and met our chapel buddies for our first chapel together!!!! :D Then we went to Advisory. After Advisory, Mr. Jacklin's class went to Language Arts. In Language, we read short stories and made up Q.A.R. questions. (We were assigned a paper that's due Wednesday!!) Then, we went to History, where Mr. Lochmann had us review our latitude and longitude papers. (Maps due Thursday!!) Then we went to lunch. (yum!) Math 2 went to Science class and watched a Mythbusters video. Pre-Algebra went to math. Then Math 2 and Pre-Algebra swapped classes. P.E. was next, where we used the exercise balls. After P.E. we went to Technology where we took a test to see our own individual learning "sweet spots." We had Seminar, then ended the day in prayer.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Welcome to Our Blog

Welcome to our 7th Grade Class blog. This site will serve a myriad of purposes as the year goes on, but hopefully it will be as inspirational as it is informational. Check daily for the latest goings-on of our class and school.