Wednesday, December 10, 2008

December 9, 2008

Today was December 9, 2008
Our first class was science we had a quiz today. The quiz was about how can the first 2 dogs make all differant kind of dog?Then we had science we changed seats, started a new planning sheet and then started uor lessons. Then we checked our test and then had work time. Then like always we have lunch. After lunch we had language she helped us make an outline and fill it out. In computers we had work time but first we hadto write a blog artical on anything. then we had electives I had clay and handbuilding which was free color.After that we had religion and talked about Mary and Joseph. Then we had a pep rally... they indroduce the basket ball teams and played kknockout boys against the girls there were 2 winner and they played against the teacher.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Our Day 2 Day

Yeah so today is the first of December. Yeah! Only like 2 more weeks until we get christmas break! So today we had language and we did a vocab activity and we went into groups and talked about the Johnny Tremain. In history we handed in to our projects and watched a movie where this dudes head got blown off. Don't worry it was educational. And then we had lunch and then art, PE, electives and now I am in seminar. So that is pretty much our day.